Simple Links

Link to Home Page
(Introduces new visitors to manifesting in general, and to our memberships.)[affiliate_id]/

Free Offer: How to Control the Uncontrollable (Helps to promote new package below.)
(Best place to send referrals!  We do the followup, and you get the sales commissions.)[affiliate_id]/

Direct Link to Membership Purchase
(Bypass our sales message and use your own.)[affiliate_id]/?add-to-cart=7693

Link to any page

Essentially, you just need to add the tracking code at the end of any page link, such as “ref/[affiliate_id]/“, and you’re good to go.  There’s also a link generator that will help you with this. Just enter the Page URL, add a Campaign Name (optional), and the system will generate a properly-formed referral link.

Campaign Additions for More Advanced Marketers

In addition to the basic links above, you can also add campaign names for tracking purposes.

For instance, if you want to see if you get better conversions from a banner or an email, create separate links for each as:

Banner link:[affiliate_id]/?campaign=banner

Email link:[affiliate_id]/?campaign=email

Using the above campaign names in your links (or any campaign names you prefer to use), you can track referrals from each source separately and find out which is more effective. You’ll find the report on the Stats tab of your partner account page. The direct link is:

You do not need to define campaign names in your account before using them.  Just add them to a link (as described above), and the system will see it and track referrals for different campaigns separately.  Just make sure there are NO SPACES in your campaign names.

There’s also a link generator that will help you with this. Just enter the Page URL, add a Campaign Name, and the system will generate a properly-formed referral link.

An even more advanced approach would be to track different ads placed in different media. For this, you would create campaign names for each combination (i.e. – Ad1Media1, Ad1Media2, Ad1Media3, Ad2Media1, Ad2Media2, Ad2Media3).

This way, you can see if Ad1 or Ad2 performs better, and at the same time, whether you get better results from Media1, Media2, or Media3. You might even find that one ad performs better in one media and another ad performs better in a different media.

This can be extended to track as many variables as you want, and you can give each campaign name whatever code you want, as long as you use basic letters and numbers without spaces or special characters. As long as you have the “ref/[affiliate_id]/” and the “?campaign=(your chosen campaign name)“, then the links should work perfectly.

Again, we have a link generator that will help you with this.

Feel free to contact me if you need help with any of this.

Promotional Emails

Feel free to use these as-is, or edit them to suit your own personality.

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