Harmonic Living Program

The Harmonic Living Program is for those who want to get the MOST out of life.

The key concept behind the Harmonic Living Program is to give you a solid foundation for a full and happy life.  While most of us feel there might be one or two areas where we need help, I’ve found that I’ve benefited from a boost even in areas I didn’t think I needed it.

Especially in areas like relationships or personal prosperity.  Getting the most out of these requires that all of the supporting elements are also strong and healthy.

Each module builds on the foundation established by previous modules.

Module 1: Unlimited Possibilities

The program starts by helping you expand your expectation of positive change by helping you see greater possibilities for yourself and your life.  Luckily, we all have a very wise and creative part of ourselves, and I only need to help you connect with that part of yourself for you to open to unlimited possibilities.

Interestingly, sometimes this is all that’s necessary to kick things into gear and start to see positive change.

Module 2: Persona

Most of us have a personality—an identity—that has been shaped by the course of events in our lives, often leading to a random collection of characteristics, qualities, and behaviors that may or may not serve us in the long term.  The fact that we’re able to function at all is sometimes an amazing accomplishment in itself!

This module helps you connect with those parts of yourself that have great capabilities and resources to effectively deal with the many complexities of life, and when you experience these parts of yourself in the depths of hypnotic trance, you come away with a true appreciation for who you are and who you may choose to become.

This set of recordings also helps you construct a new persona—a new identity—with which you interact with the world most effectively, so you can easily accomplish your objectives and live the life you want to live.  If you’ve ever felt blocked from living the life you really want because “that’s not me”, this is your chance to change that and become the person who truly excels in the way you want to live life.

Module 3: Personal Power

This set of hypnotic recordings will help you connect most deeply to the Source of your personal power and set up automatic responses so you will always be at your best, without having to think about it, without having to expend additional energy to maintain these habits, and in fact, to go through each day with MORE energy, MORE fun, and and MORE satisfaction than the old way of living life.

Module 4: Self-Actualization

In this module, you are led to make a deep and profound connection to a source of knowledge and wisdom within, which may be described as a vast data bank of all experiences you’ve had throughout your entire life, or it may just as easily be described as the legendary Akashic Records of the Universe.  Either way, when you tap into this incredible source of wisdom within, you gain the ability to activate intuition to guide your every decision and action so you’re always getting the best results possible from your efforts, speeding your way towards the manifestation of your goals and the realization of your dreams.

Module 5: Autopilot

In this module, we take the foundation laid by all previous modules and build on it to install and activate a type of “auto-pilot” system that can automate many tasks for you so you can do them quicker, with less effort, and to a higher degree of mastery than you could simply by relying on your conscious mind.  This is done using the same system which manages your habits and makes you act in ways you do not always understand.  This same system is responsible for what many people call “muscle memory”, where you can do things without conscious thought or even without your conscious awareness.

If you’ve ever found yourself arriving at your destination without remembering how you got there, you’ve had an experience of this system in action.  In this module, you are given the keys to programming it and using it with intention.

Future Planned Modules

Everyone who purchases the Harmonic Living Program will get these future modules when they are posted.  Current pricing reflects the current completeness of the full program.

Module 6: Self-Mastery

While all of the preceding modules are focused on helping you master yourself in various ways, there are still some areas that have not yet been addressed, and this module completes the package.  Things like understanding, balance, and having the emotional fortitude to make choices that provide long-term benefit even if it means going through short-term inconveniences, like investing, dieting, exercise programs, etc.

Module 7: Relationships

Starting with this module, we now move into the realm of establishing helpful habits, views, and values that automatically lead to success in areas involving other people.  This module focuses on creating and maintaining healthy, happy relationships with anyone you spend time with, including co-workers, friends, family, and intimate relationships.

Module 8: Personal Prosperity

This module focuses on helping you develop effective habits regarding money so you always have more than you need.  Considering how many people reach the later years of their life with little to support them, this is an incredibly needed program.

Module 9: Business Success

In order to have a truly successful business, we need to address more than basic money habits.  This module consolidates the best information available on starting and running a successful business and installs these principles into your deeper subconscious mind where they become automatic habits.  This means you can simple “go with your gut” and be confident that you know the best thing to do in any situation so your business thrives and grows year by year.


Get access to this plus every other product listed on this website with an Annual Membership. ($495/year)