Thank you for participating in my 20-Year Anniversary event.
The information you need to access the Quick-Start “Hit the Ground Running” Workshop videos is on its way to your email inbox now. When you get that link, you’ll have until the end of January to watch through the workshop.
While you wait for the email to get to you, feel free to take a moment and consider joining one of our memberships to get more long-term access, as well as access to EVERYTHING ELSE I’ve created over the years.
As a member, you get access to the full Divine Dynamics course, which is what the Quick-Start workshop was originally created for, as well as these other 13 courses and audio programs:
- Keys to Power – Step by Step (the original course I wrote in 2003)
- Prosperity from the Inside Out (from 2005)
- Keys to Power Persuasion (from 2006)
- Choose to Believe (from 2008)
- EmBRACES Belief Entrainment System (from 2010)
- Treasure Map to Online Riches (from 2011)
- Harmonic Prayer (from 2012)
- Awaken the Avatar Within Hypnosis Program (from 2014)
- Awaken the Avatar Within Course (from 2015)
- Symbolic Solutions 1.0 (from 2016)
- Symbolic Solutions 2.0 (from 2017)
- 30 Days to Divine Power (from 2019)
- Changing Lives for Fun & Profit (from 2019)
All of these program were originally sold for something between $49 and $595 each. Total retail value: $1656.90.
As a member, you get all of it (plus anything new I create while you are a member) for just …
You also get a full 30-day money-back guarantee on your membership, so if you decide it’s not for you within that time, just let me know and I’ll process a full refund for you.
If you’d like more information on why you might want to become a member, take a look at this page =>