Celestial Brilliance: 6 Keys to Unlock Your Creative Genius

This 6-week program helps you connect to a deeper well of creativity, clear your channel of expression, and gives you the ability to enter the flow state at will so you can produce your BEST work with minimal effort.

Do you ever find yourself stuck for ideas?  Are you intimately familiar with that pain in the pit of your stomach as a deadline approaches and you’re still not happy with what’s coming out?  Do you find yourself redoing things because they just don’t measure up to your normally high standards?  Do you get frustrated at how much time is wasted when you KNOW that if everything flowed, it should be easy?

If any of these are regular occurrences for you, then this is the program for you.

Introducing …

Celestial Brilliance: 6 Keys to Unlock Your Creative Genius

In just 6 short weeks, your experience with creative expression can be radically different.

Imagine sitting down to plan out your next project, relaxing and going within to the ultimate source of creative ideas, and then quickly getting a gem of an idea, fully formed and already complete with all the details you need to manifest it into reality.

Now, imagine that you come back out, take a deep breath, and get to work, KNOWING that you are guided from within to do the right thing at the right time in the right way so the finished piece is your best one yet.

And finally, imagine that this is your usual experience.  It seems to happen nearly every time, and since it all flows so effortlessly, you’re able to crank out masterpiece after masterpiece, catapulting you to the pinnacle of your career in short order.

Feels good, right?

Here’s how we’re going to make this happen for you.

Step 1: Replace Stress with Joy

Stress is the #1 killer of creativity, and if you feel any stress, your creative efforts are already doomed to fail.  In this first session, you will be guided into a deep and powerful hypnotic trance where you can EASILY release the stress, replace it with joy, and then prevent stress from ever coming back.

Step 2: Decode Your Creativity

Although you may have had an easier time than most in being creative, most of us only reach so far into that deep and mysterious well of creativity within.  In this 2nd session of the program, you will be guided into the deepest and most powerful level of mind where there are literally NO BOUNDS of creative ideas.  You will also be given a quick and easy technique to open this creative channel at any time you want.

Step 3: Express Your Authentic Self

No matter how deeply you are connected to the ultimate source of creativity, or how free of stress you may be, creativity can still be blocked by limiting beliefs and unhealthy habits of thought, which can strangle your creative child before it is born.  In this session, you will be guided to connect with the blocks and obstacles within and remove them, replacing them with more helpful and healthy habits that are natural to your true, authentic self, and enhances your creativity instead of stifling it.

Step 4: Amplify Your Personal Power

Even after you have removed the stress killing your creativity, opened the channel to the source of creative ideas, and remove the blocks from expressing your magnificent creative genius, true creative expression, especially at the level of brilliance, requires a certain, ahhh, “je ne sais quoi” to pull off well.  True creative geniuses create with complete commitment to the work, refusing to be delayed or sidetracked with distractions, intensely focused on the creative act itself.  In this session, you will be guided to make the required shifts within yourself so this becomes an easy and natural way of life for you.

Step 5: Log In to Your Inner Wisdom

Now, while the preceding sessions are everything you need to fully express your creative genius, I want to do even more for you and help you master the flow state, where you can set your conscious mind aside and let the creative work happen THROUGH YOU, removing much of the work and effort from the process.  This requires another channel to be open and clear.  A channel to what some call the intuitive mind.  In this session, you will be guided to form a communication channel so you can access the incredible banks of knowledge and wisdom within.  This will give you a type of “psychic sense”, which not only gives you a distinct advantage over most people, but also sets the foundation for entering the flow state at will.

Step 6: Put Genius on AutoPilot

In this final session of the program, you will be guided to bring everything together into a simple system for entering the flow state at will, where your BEST creative ideas express themselves THROUGH YOU with minimal conscious effort.  Once you master this, you will be the creative genius everyone looks up to and admires, because the sheer quality AND quantity of your work surpasses that of others in your field.

Program Details

As mentioned earlier, this is a 6 week program.  The program will be held on Zoom on the following dates.

  • Session 1: Wednesday, January 15th, 11am EST
  • Session 2: Wednesday, January 22nd, 11am EST
  • Session 3: Wednesday, January 29th, 11am EST
  • Session 4: Wednesday, February 5th, 11am EST
  • Session 5: Wednesday, February 12th, 11am EST
  • Session 6: Wednesday, February 19th, 11am EST

All sessions will be recorded, so if you have to miss one, you can catch up with the replays.  However, I do encourage you to be at the live sessions, because I will be customizing the sessions to include details targeted towards the specific individuals who are there so everyone gets a much more intense transformation.

And while there isn’t any “homework” to do between sessions, you may want to take note of the changes that happen as a result of the transformations created during the sessions.  Notice how easy it becomes to resist stress, how much more comfortably you can express your true feelings and thoughts, how much more decisive and confident you become, and how much less confused or conflicted your thought process as you do your work.


Because this is a live program presented to a small group of people (limited to just 20), it’s not going to be cheap.

However, when you think about the transformations we’ll create together — elimination of all stress, expanding your connection to the source of all creativity, eliminating the blocks and obstacles of limiting habits, strengthening your personal power, and connecting to your inner intuition and inner guidance as you master the flow state — each one of these is worth a tremendous amount on their own, right?

I’ve seen multi-week programs JUST on reducing stress sell for $1000 or more.

I’ve also seen multi-week programs JUST on expanding creativity for $2000 and more.

There are programs devoted to increasing personal power that sell in the THOUSANDS for $2000 and more.

Each one of these sessions could easily be priced at significant levels AND BE COMPLETELY WORTH IT!

So, when I say that this entire program is priced at just $995, you KNOW this is a good deal.

Especially when you know that your income as a creative professional is directly tied to your ability to produce good work, and the better your work, and the more of it you create, the more money you make.


Even though this is a live program, and once the transformations are created, you keep them for life, I will still make you an incredible guarantee.

If, at the end of the 2nd session, you feel that you’re not getting the results you want, just let me know and I’ll refund your full investment.

No hard feelings.


While there’s absolutely no reason I need to include any bonuses here, I’m going to do it anyways.  I like over-delivering.

Bonus #1: In order to ensure that you get EVERYTHING I’m promising from this program, I will give you a free private 1-on-1 session that you can use for any purpose whatsoever during the next 12 months.  This is a $400 value just by itself.  You can use this to expand on the results of the program itself, work on clearing up other blocks or bad habits you may have, or pursue a completely different outcome you desire to manifest.

Bonus #2: FREE 1-Year Membership of this website.  As a member, you’ll have complete access to my entire library of courses and audio programs, a combined value of over $1500.  You also get access to every recorded program I create while you are a member. Everything is accessible through the members’ area, which you can reach on any device. This bonus is valued at $495.

Bonus #3: Unlimited email support.  If you have any questions during the program, and up to 30 days afterwards, you can send me an email and I’ll respond as quickly as a can.  In most cases, this is within 12 hours, although it could take up to 48 hours in certain circumstances.  Of course, you’ll also be able to ask questions during the program sessions as well.  This is just to supplement the live sessions, and give you as much as I can.

Is NOW Your Time to Shine?

One of the most common reasons people have for not signing up for a program like this is scheduling.  Maybe you already have some things scheduled for the dates and times of the live sessions.

I get it.  We’re all busy.  But here’s the thing you’ve got to consider.  We’re ALWAYS busy, and the sooner you shift your creative flow, the sooner you’ll have more time to do all the things you love to do.

The next most common reason folks may hesitate to join a program like this is self-image.  Maybe you see yourself as someone with limited creative abilities.  Maybe you just don’t yet see the potential of expanding your creativity to improve the work you do.

I used to think like this.  I saw myself as a technician, able to follow a sequence of instructions, doing OKAY work, but lacking the sparkle of those who seemed to be much more artistic in nature.  I found that creativity can be like a muscle, and the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets.  I also found that my own limiting beliefs were holding me back, and once I released them and embraced the boundless creativity of my dreaming mind, I could be so much more creative than I originally thought.

The bottom line is that you have far more capacity than you may now realize, and the only way to know for sure what’s possible is to take a chance, and see where it goes.

I’m here to support you, and help you make the inner transformations that lead to an incredible rush to creative energy so you can shine brightly, becoming a luminary to those you serve, possibly even going so far as becoming a true STAR in your field.

So, what do you say?  Are you game to see how far you can expand your creativity and break through to higher levels of success in your field?

If so, sign up for Celestial Brilliance today before all 20 spots are gone.

Free Discovery Call

If you’re on the fence and have a few questions about this program that need to be answered before you can commit, feel free to book a discovery call with me.  In just 30 minutes, we’ll find out if this program is a good fit for you, and you can make a more informed decision to elevate your career and standing in the creative community.

Just click this link and book a time for us to get on Zoom and talk it over.
Discovery Call Booking Form


Get access to this plus every other product listed on this website with an Annual Membership. ($495/year)