Changing Lives for Fun & Profit
Be of service to the world, enjoy life,
and get paid for it!
You have immense value to share, and the world will be a richer, more enjoyable place for all when you learn how to effectively package and promote it. By the end of this course, you’ll have one or more products to sell and a solid plan for making a significant difference in the lives of a world-wide audience.
A summary of everything I’ve learned over the first 16 years of my business, this course covers the gamut of deciding what business to start, how to promote it, and how to create products and services your customers will be thrilled to buy from you.
Originally presented as a live in-person class, the lessons from that class have been compiled into a written course you can go through at your own pace. In just 160 pages, you get the essence of several $2000 marketing courses I studied, as well as lessons from my own personal experience using this information.
Lesson 1: Define Your Core Mission
In this lesson, we start with YOU. What are your strengths, weaknesses, personality, and interests? This then forms the foundation upon which to build your empire, and ensures that you will truly ENJOY working in your business.
Lesson 2: Planning Your Packages
Here, we brainstorm what you can offer your ideal customer, starting with the “money is no object” package, and then scaling it back to a mid-level package and an entry-level offering. When approached this way, all the products and/or services you offer will complement each other, and as you create your entry-level products, you will also be working towards creating the larger, more expensive packages at the same time, minimizing the work involved.
Lesson 3: Introduce Yourself to the World
In this lesson, we focus on the marketing message that will attract your ideal customers and the “Golden Offer” they simply will not be able to refuse. Many examples included to make it easy to work through your specific situation.
Lesson 4: Growing Your Tribe
At this point in the process, we are now ready to offer a free gift to get folks to subscribe to your mailing list, YouTube channel, or follow you on social media. I also show you how you can create a never-ending stream of content that keeps your tribe interested and following your work without ever burning out or competing with your products.
Lesson 5: Making a Profit
While you grow your tribe, and before you even create your first product, you can still make money by offering products created by others as an affiliate. And while you do this, you can also gather data on what folks respond to best, and use this to craft your own sales messages that will eventually sell the products and services you offer directly.
Lesson 6: Spreading the Word
By this point in the process, you now have a working business and just need to get more folks into your system. This is where advertising comes into play, and when done right, you make more money than you spend, which means you can throw out any “advertising budget” you may have been talked into creating. When you know that you can make $2 for every $1 you spend, it just makes sense to spend, spend, spend so you can earn, earn, earn.
Lesson 7: Creating Products
Promoting products and services offered by others as an affiliate is a great way to start a business, but at some point you may want to create your own products. Here is where I reveal my system for creating well-organized, highly-effective products people love. I show you how to create audio products, video products, books, speeches, workshops, classes, and more.
Lesson 8: World-Class Copywriting
While the lessons you learned earlier in this course will certainly give you a HUGE advantage over most selling products and services online, in this lesson we take your copywriting skills even higher to craft the PERFECT sales page, promotional email, or persuasive speech. Topics include typical persuasion skills as well as covert conversational hypnosis, where you can implant key ideas in the mind of your prospect without them realizing what you’ve just done. When they think it’s THEIR idea, they will most definitely act on it.
Get access to this plus every other product listed on this website with an Annual Membership. ($495/year)