How to Manifest Wealth

The vast majority of our group have indicated they would like to manifest more wealth. So let’s talk about this specifically. Obviously, the first step is to use the manifestation process I’ve been sharing with you to direct Divine Power to bring wealth in whatever amounts you feel is appropriate. Relax as deeply as you…

A Mountain of Material

Over the years, I’ve written a mountain of material, between blog posts, emails, books, and courses.  And then there are the scripts I used to create my audio programs. This past month, as I’ve been preparing to update this website, I’ve thought a lot about how much of that earlier material to include, and how…

Go Ahead, Dream Big!

Do you find yourself making the same New Year’s Resolutions year after year? Do you start with high hopes of making a real difference, only to find yourself drifting away from your goals. Does the prospect of setting another resolution only to disappoint yourself again frighten you away from even making the effort? Here’s an…


Amy Seekman Interview

This is a first-time interview with someone who is starting a new website and wanted to introduce herself in a more personal way with video. I asked her a series of questions and edited together her answers to compile this documentary-style promo video. Original interview recorded on a chromakey green screen, with park footage used…