When to Give UP

I have to admit, sometimes I give up too soon. I’ve always had a lazy streak, and if something takes more time than I want it to, I’m often ready to move on to something else. There are times, though, when it’s the right thing to do. For example, a few years ago, not long…

What Color is Your Door?

Here’s a fun experiment with symbols. Just imagine, if you went deep into the core inner recesses of your mind, that there’s a door to another dimension. Beyond this door, you’ll find marvelous wonders that will surprise and delight you. And all of this is reserved just for you. No one else. Now, sit back…

Guilty Pleasures

Think of something you enjoy. Now, think of something you enjoy SO MUCH, you’d be willing to do anything for it. No limits here.  Go ahead and indulge yourself. What does it feel like? What would it feel like if the experience were 10 times more powerful?  100 times? Now, what if you had a…


Just wanted to say something. You Are AMAZING! No matter what anyone else may say, I recognize you as the Divine Being you are. You have so much potential, it boggles the mind. And you’re on a pathway to activate and implement that potential to make the world a better place. I salute you. That’s…

There’s an old story which perfectly demonstrates how to know if something is truly good or bad. There are 2 farmers, Joe and Mike, at the fence between their properties, and Joe asks Mike, “How have things been going for you?” Mike responds that a while back, one of his two horses ran away, at…