Get a FREE hypnosis recording every 4 weeks,
starting with my NEW Stress Liquidation System.

Welcome to my website. I’m Alan Tutt, and I just LOVE helping folks empower themselves and maximize their potential.

Your first gift from me, which you’ll get immediately upon registration to the PowerKey of the Month Club (PMC) is my NEW …

Stress Liquidation System

Session 1: RECESS! – Intended for those who may have allowed stress to build up to a breaking point, where they feel too close to blowing up and wrecking everything. In just 30 minutes, you can be back in control of yourself and your life.

Session 2: A Day at the Spa – Intended for those with a moderate amount of stress preventing them from being as creative and productive as they would like. This 30-minute session gives you an incredibly indulgent experience that completely wipes away all stress and replaces it with a sense of joy, love, and bliss.

Session 3: Stress Shield – Intended for those who have eliminated their stress and now want to prevent it from coming back. Ideal for those who want to reach the highest levels of personal performance. This 30-minute session helps you establish certain patterns of thought and action which blocks all forms of stress from affecting you.

Value: $59.85
Yours FREE when you join the PowerKey of the Month Club today

Additional free hypnotic recordings will be delivered to you via email every 4 weeks as long as you remain a Club member in good standing. Considering that my recordings sell for $19.95 each, this is a real-world value of $259.35/year!

Just fill out the form below, confirm your registration by clicking the link in an email sent to your address, and you’ll be able to get started as a Club Member right away. You will always have the option to unsubscribe and cancel your membership in the Club, using a link at the bottom of every email. Your information will never be shared or used for anything else without your permission.

Remember, Life is what you make it. Make it great!

PMC Signup