Hi!  First, I want to thank you for taking time to visit this website.  It has been created to share with you everything I’ve learned over the years about manifesting and succeeding in life.

It is my sincere desire that the materials I’ve created will help you unlock the unlimited Power that resides within all of us so you can use that Power to manifest your visions into reality.

I started out in life much like anyone else.  Being a straight-A student in school proved to be no benefit as I found myself in a long series of personal failures.  After struggling for years to find a solution to my problems, I finally discovered that the traditional pathways to success depended on a measure of ‘faith’ or ‘belief’ in order to work.

Eventually, I developed a set of beliefs that allowed me to experience what many people call miracles.  Things like influencing the weather, including dispersing a tornado in just 5 minutes.  I’ve had the experience of setting an intention for certain things, like money, cars, or a new watch, and been given these things as gifts by folks who knew nothing of my desire or intention.  In one case, I was given a gift of $20,000 within just a couple of weeks of setting an intention to create a dramatic financial demonstration of my process.

I could literally go on for HOURS talking about the many miracles I’ve experienced.  Some of these stories have been recorded into a video I posted to YouTube last year.  You can watch it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMWLsRWADhU

I started my online business on January 10, 2003 with the intention of bringing to the world what I had learned about unlocking the Divine Power we all have within us and using that Power to radically change our experience of life.

Since 2003, I have been continually working to find faster and better ways to help people master the art and science of manifesting, to a point where now, you can start to get positive results within a few days, and can truly MASTER the process within weeks.  This is due to a sophisticated combination of psychological effects in a system I call Harmonic AugMENTATION.

As amazing as this is, I have no intention of sitting back and taking it easy.  If there’s a way to nail it down to a few minutes, and have it be reliable enough that anyone will see great results with it, I’ll find it.  This is the legacy I plan to leave behind before I’m done.

The advances which led to the new Divine Dynamics course, and the reports I’ve received from the members using it, have already revealed where the process can be improved further.

I have planned a whole new line of recordings and more.  All members will get access to the new materials as they are created.  Over the years, I’ve found that I am a creator at heart, and am always creating something new, partly because I see an unlimited scope of what may be created. Over the last few months, I’ve taken steps to develop my improvisational skills to do more creating on the fly and still have the materials meet my high standards.

The members’ area already contains more than 10 courses and dozens of audio programs, including guided meditations, hypnosis sessions, and a library of 360 “not-so-subliminal” recordings.  I’m constantly looking for new and better ways to help folks like you take control of your life and make it into whatever you want it to be.

In addition to the materials created to help you develop your skills of manifesting, there are also a few other courses as well, including a business development course, a general prosperity course, and a encyclopedic course on the subject of persuasion, which can be used to improve your relationships with everyone.

All of these are available to members of the website, and are also available for purchase separately as well.  You can see all of the options on our Shop page.

And for those who just want to take a “test drive” of my materials, I have the free PowerKey of the Month Club, where you get access to new hypnotic recordings each month at no cost. This is a great way to experience my materials first hand, which I’ve found to be much better than pages and pages of testimonials from happy customers.