"New" YouTube Chann...
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"New" YouTube Channel

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Posts: 75
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The YouTube channel that was set up for my work back in 2011 has gone through a complete transformation to become what is essentially a brand new channel.

New name, new logo, with new content.

Your Secret Advantage - YouTube

I posted a series of 8 videos on April 1st, and everything just took off.  5819 views and 756 hours of watch time in just the first week alone!  (BTW, this is very much different from the results of any of my previously posted videos.)

I'm currently posting videos daily, and plan to continue with this throughout April, and as far into May as I can keep it going. 

In some respects, I feel like I've just jumped in the deep end of the pool and am quickly learning to swim.  Yes, I've had some practice here, so it's not completely unfamiliar territory, yet I know I'm developing my skills in this area to a much higher degree.

The short-term plan is to take what I learn there and apply it to creating more (and better) content for the members' area here.

The longer-term plan is to use YouTube to promote what we do here, with samples and appetizers to introduce folks to what they will receive as a member.

Posted : April 19, 2023 11:54 am