Why I Don’t Like Zoom

Quite a number of years ago, I was taught that a professional should never use tools they can’t depend on. Earlier today, I got an email from Zoom saying that they think my password had been compromised in a data breach.  Doubtful, but I opened my browser, attempted to log in, and again got the…

My Take on AI

While I am tidying up a few things before announcing a new group coaching / hypnosis group, I thought I’d take a moment and voice my opinion on AI and how it is being used to create content online. There are many website owners who are turning to AI to write blog posts, emails, and…

Site Development Roadmap

The last several years have been busy in many ways. Not only did I spend a lot of time with my photography / videography business, I also created a couple of new courses, updated one or two, and rebuilt this website to restructure my courses into an actual Learning Management System (LMS) to better present…

Ready for Summer?

Hi FIRSTNAME, Are you ready for a fabulous summer? Here’s a tip to get even more enjoyment from your vacation. Whatever you choose to do, whether that’s spending a day at the beach, hiking through nature, enjoying wonderfully-prepared meals, or just relaxing with loved ones, take a few moments throughout the experience and really focus…

Underground Expert

Hi FIRSTNAME, I’d like to introduce you to someone. You probably haven’t heard of him, because he’s not one of those “celebrity gurus” out in the limelight. His name is Alan Tutt, and he’s probably one of the most knowledgeable “underground” experts on the subject of manifesting. Alan has spent nearly 40 years researching and…

Something Different

Hi FIRSTNAME, I’ve got something a little different for you today. As you may know, one of the topics I find fascinating is the subject of manifesting, aka. — the Law of Attraction. I’ve been doing a little digging, and have found some new information that makes most LOA “gurus” look like a bunch of…