True Goals

Here is how I really discovered what my true goals were.  Pretending that money was no longer an issue (I would never need to earn money for the rest of my life), I looked to see what I could do that would contribute to society. Being a photographer, I immediately thought of doing art prints…

Money Power

There are many different techniques for attracting money, but let me cover some of the most basic, the things that should be obvious, but many times aren’t. If you want more money than you have now, the money you want is now in someone else’s possession.  You want that other person (or many other people)…

The Power of Focus

“Anything is possible to that person who can focus their mind on one thing exclusively until that focus is no longer required.” Very few people are able to truly focus their minds.  Most of us get side-tracked, distracted, lose interest, or simply try to do too much. It seems that when we try to focus…

Return To Center

Everywhere we see the speed of life increasing, almost daily it seems. The age of instant gratification has done a number on our schedules.  It started with business people wanting to provide better service by being more available for customer requests.  Longer hours, faxes, pagers, cell phones, mobile computers, and more have become commonplace in…

Psychic Self Protection

With this technique, I am going to show you how to create and maintain a ‘safe zone’ where no-one can attack you.  Whether your enemy would try to attack you physically, mentally, emotionally, or psychically, you will be able to create a buffer which prevents him from following through on his intentions. The first thing…

Practical Prosperity

There are a million ways to make a million dollars.  You can take any activity, and someone has made a million doing it.  Even to the professional vacationers that send in reports to the travel agencies, you can make money doing anything!  What I hope to share with you in this article is not so…

Fail-Proof Resolutions

Every year, millions of people start to think about ways to make life better, and resolve to do something about it.  Unfortunately most of them set themselves up for failure before they even begin, because they don’t build a proper foundation from which to build. The most common resolutions are things like ‘lose weight’, or…

Decision Power

Anthony Robbins talks a lot about decisions.  One of his lines is that the quality of your life lies within the quality of your decisions.  There is a lot of truth in what he talks about.  Think about it.  Each time you are faced with a decision, you are making a choice that will affect…