On this page, I will list the various things I plan to do for the website and our members.  I’ll also keep notes of previous activity, which may come in handy for those who still believe the future will at least somewhat resemble the past.

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October 1, 2021 – Official beginning of PKP Memberships

Memberships started with the following courses and support systems, shown with their original retail prices:

  1. 7-Day Kickstart (free)
  2. Keys To Power – Step by Step ($49)
  3. Awaken the Avatar Within ($97)
  4. Choose to Believe ($17.95)
  5. 30 Days to Divine Power (originally offered as a “pay what you feel it’s worth” product.)
  6. Harmonic Prayer ($9.95)
  7. Harmonic Prayer Support System ($40)
  8. Symbolic Solutions 1.0 ($97)
  9. Symbolic Solutions 2.0 ($97)
  10. EmBRACES Belief Entrainment System (originally $1497, but eventually settled at $595)

The original membership structure also included the Community Discussion Forums and a rudimentary points system, with the intention to later find a way to reward our more active members.

December 1, 2021 – Addition of “Awaken the Avatar Within” recordings (originally sold at $97)

February 8, 2022 – 3 courses added:

  1. Treasure Map to Online Riches (originally $29)
  2. Prosperity From the Inside Out (originally $29)
  3. Changing Lives for Fun & Profit (originally $350 as an in-person class)

February 22, 2022 – Creation of “Divine Dynamics” started

  • This started out being a free email course written in 2020 during the pandemic.
  • All except 1 lesson was rewritten from scratch.
  • Written lessons were completed on June 29, 2022.
  • I originally included related guided meditations and hypnosis sessions that were created earlier.
  • New recordings have been created to replace the original ones used.
  • If I were to sell this separately, I’d price the package (written lessons with supplemental recordings) at $97
  • Since adding a 5-hour “Quick-Start” video workshop (Nov. 15th), retail value has gone up to $197.

June 29, 2022 – Course added: “Keys To Power Persuasion” (originally sold for $97)

August 5, 2022 – New recording for Divine DynamicsSymbolic Solution for Focus

August 15, 2022 – New recording for Divine DynamicsSymbolic Solution for Faith

September 1, 2022 – New recording for Divine DynamicsSymbolic Solution for Feeling
New “Symbolic Solutions 2.1” support system page added for new recordings.

September 27, 2022 – New recordings for Divine Dynamics

  1. Divine Meditation for Focus
  2. Divine Meditation for Faith
  3. Divine Meditation for Feeling

November 15, 2022 – New 5-hour “Quick-Start” video workshop added to Divine Dynamics.  This course is now complete.

March 21, 2023 – Old Keys to Power recordings posted.

April 24, 2023 – Framework for new Harmonic Living course set up, with lists of belief statements from EmBRACES System.

August 1, 2023Divine Dynamics Fast Track course added.  This was created originally for YouTube in May.

August 1, 2023 – 3 new videos added to Divine Dynamics in Week 3: Independent Skill Training section.  Also from YouTube in May.

September – October – First run of a weekly Zoom session for members.  Planning to continue in 2024.

November 20, 2023 – New page added for Member Content.  All member content listed here with links to separate content pages.  Quite a few upgrades to the website happened around this time.

December 7, 2023 — Beginning of New Product Line: PowerKey Hypnosis Recordings

December 7,2023 – Set of 5 hypnosis recordings added as PowerKey: Manifestation Mastery.  First of a new line of products.

December 12, 2023 – 2 more hypnosis recordings added in PowerKey line — Peace Ambassador and Harmonious Reunions.  These don’t have their own page on the site, and are accessible on the Member Content page added in November.

December 29, 2023 – 2 more hypnosis recordings added — Fresh Start and Walking in Wonder.  Also available only on the Member Content page.  Total playing time of 9 recordings created in December: 3 hours and 46 minutes.  Total value: over $150.

January 4, 2024 – More hypnosis recordings.  Best Year Ever and New Identity, New Life.

January 9, 2024Clear Mind, Sharp Focus and Powerful Willpower recordings added.

January 15, 2024Habit Replacement and Exercise Motivation recordings added.

January 24, 2024Peaceful, Restful Sleep and Everflowing Energy recordings added.

January 30, 2024Healthy Eating and Perfect Body recordings added.

January 31, 2024Skeleton Key and Unconditional Divine Love recordings added.  Fresh Start Collection added to feature January recordings.  Total of 21 recordings in new product line, averaging 23:34 per recording.

March 11, 2024Hypnotic Manifesting workshop video added.

June 11, 2024Stress Liquidation System added. (3 hypnotic recordings)

July 3, 2024Mastering Manifestation Once and For All course added.

August 6, 2024 – Module 1 of the long-awaited Harmonic Living Program finally added!  Woo-Hoo!

August 25, 2024 – Module 2 of the Harmonic Living Program added. (This was what I perceived as the toughest one.)

Current Value of Membership Content (if purchased separately): $1784.95+

Plans for the Future

In 2023 and the first half of 2024, I spent a LOT of time upgrading my knowledge and skills in hypnosis, as I see this being a better way than courses to help my members.  Yes, it’s better to “teach a man to fish”, but sometimes all we really need is the right word at the right time to get us moving in the right direction again.  And repeated experience in the deeper levels of mind, this will teach my members how to access their inner Power in a way that courses never will.

I previously had 4 new courses planned as my next steps, but plans have changed, and while those courses will probably get created at some point, the new line of PowerKey hypnosis recordings is taking precedence for the time being.  Now that I’ve started this, it feels like what I should have been doing all along, with courses as a nice side bonus.

My intention is to create at least 100 new hypnosis recordings by the end of 2024. At an expected retail value of $19.95 each, this represents incredible value for members.  Of course, they’re really only valuable if they address topics you’re interested in, right?

Here is a list of the sessions I already have planned.  Others will be created as well.

  1. Everything from the planned Harmonic Living Program, including …
    1. Believing in magic & miracles (DONE)
    2. Self-esteem / Self-worth (DONE)
    3. Personal Power (relief from depression, anxiety, dependency, etc.)
    4. Confidence
    5. Motivation
    6. Productivity (focus, organization, persistence)
    7. Self-mastery (balance, understanding, emotional control)
    8. Relationships
    9. Personal Prosperity
    10. Business Success
  2. Problem solving on the fly
  3. On top of the world (everything goes my way)
  4. I love me
  5. Loving life
  6. True compassion
  7. A special someone
  8. Smooth seductions
  9. Sexual mastery
  10. Mind-blowing orgasms
  11. Infinite Power, Here and Now
  12. Perfect weight
  13. Public speaking
  14. Brilliant mind / High IQ
  15. Easy relaxation, any time, any place
  16. Youthful appearance / Turn back the clock
  17. Forever young
  18. Be my best self
  19. Calm nerves
  20. Comfort in flight
  21. Fear banishment
  22. Proper priorities / Work-life balance
  23. Positive focus
  24. Inner strength
  25. Creativity
  26. Photographic memory
  27. Clear perceptions
  28. Social adeptness
  29. Clear communications
  30. Golden tongue of persuasion
  31. Powerful public speaking
  32. Improved eyesight
  33. Improved hearing
  34. Tinnitus relief
  35. Fine motor control
  36. Skill mastery
  37. Reliable intuition
  38. Purposeful life of meaning
  39. Comfortable fit within Life
  40. Excellence as a way of life
  41. Luxurious living on less
  42. Living a charmed life
  43. Beating the odds
  44. Bountiful health & vitality
  45. Speedy recovery
  46. Bulletproof immunity
  47. Eradicating pain
  48. Vivid visualizations
  49. Opening the psychic senses
  50. Divine guidance
  51. Universal connectedness
  52. Cosmic consciousness (universal knowingness)
  53. Miracles everywhere
  54. Automatic time management
  55. Right idea, Right time
  56. Flexibility of body
  57. Flexibility of mind
  58. True strength
  59. Midas touch of success
  60. Going with the flow
  61. Setting down roots (building from a solid foundation)
  62. Faith in the future
  63. Magical universe
  64. Clear direction to follow
  65. Taking the leadership role
  66. Big, strong muscles
  67. Safe & secure anywhere
  68. Recovering from loss
  69. Instant renewal
  70. Joy of discovery & exploration
  71. Life of adventure