New Monthly Members...
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New Monthly Memberships Coming

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Posts: 75
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If there is any constant in the universe, that constant is 'change'.

One of the biggest lessons for me this last year is that when you give folks a full year to go through a course (or 10), they spend most of that year "getting ready" to do it.  There's no urgency, and consequently, I fail to impact their lives as much as I could have.

Luckily, most of those who signed up for a yearly membership last year are renewing their commitments to developing their manifesting abilities, but there have been some who have dropped out.

One member in particular told me that he'd love to continue, but felt the $97 renewal price was currently out of reach.

Of course, I asked if he had spent any time going through the prosperity and business-building courses that were posted in February, and he said he had not.  Ouch!  That would have made the $97/year renewal rate SO EASY to afford, it would be pocket change.

So, I started to think about how I could be of greater assistance to my members.

I obviously failed to present a good reason to value the points gained from going through the courses or participating in the community forums here.  And I also failed to be a source of motivation and inspiration to my members so they get full value from their membership.

While I'm thinking about how I can do better at motivating members to action, I can easily solve one problem.  Affordability.

To properly set up monthly memberships, I also had to implement recurring billing to simplify payments.  That took a few days, and is now in place.

I also had to decide HOW MUCH a single month of membership is worth.  And how much continuing months would be worth to someone choosing to actively use their time here.

Here is where I can provide some additional motivation.

As I see it, if someone came in for a month, took full advantage of the materials here, they could make some SIGNIFICANT changes to their life.  Since I feel the new "Quick-Start" workshop added to the Divine Dynamics course is easily worth $100, I could theoretically justify that as a price for 1 month of membership.

Anyone who knows me will quickly realize I'll never do that.  But $50 would be more than fair for the opportunity to go through the Quick-Start workshop, work with the various hypnosis and guided meditation programs, as well as learn from the written materials.

As far as an ongoing price, here's what I realized.  If I had spent $50 per month for 30 years, it would still be less than the SINGLE manifestation of $20,000 which happened a few years ago.  Considering everything I've manifested in the past 30 years, $50 per month would have been a very profitable investment.

And for those learning from my experience, they'll be able to get far more in much less time, making it even more valuable for them.

So, the new monthly memberships will be priced at $49.95/month.

My expectation is that when someone is spending $50/month, they won't sit around waiting for some future set of conditions to take action and get value from what they are paying for.  They'll dive right in and get actively engaged with the materials, and consequently see positive results relatively quickly.

And when they see positive results their first month, and continue to actively pursue their own development, in just a few short months, they will no longer need to worry about money or anything else that used to trouble them in their lives.

Initially though, during what may be called the "launch window", where I invite current subscribers and previous members to sign up to the new monthly membership, I'll make it available at the lowest price I can conceivably accept.

For most of the past year, a 1-year membership was available for $195.  Divide by 12 months, and this is $16.25 per month.  Let's round this down to $15.

$15/month is well less than folks spend for a gym membership, or music lessons, or anything else that can help them grow as a human being.  Actually, the $50/month "list price" for the new monthly membership is still a good value when compared to those other pathways.

In any case, the $15/month offer will only be available for a short time, and then it will quickly go to it's intended $50/month level.

Posted : December 10, 2022 11:31 am
Posts: 75
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Okay, so I've activated the new monthly membership option as well as a recurring annual membership, where members don't have to manually renew their membership to continue.  I've also activated a "launch special offer" with monthly, annual, and lifetime memberships at a deep discount of about 70%.

All of these options will be seen on the home page, on the "Membership Options" page, and on the delivery page for the new Christmas Gift offer sent out to the full mailing list.

Posted : December 14, 2022 11:56 am
Posts: 75
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For those who are interested in the business side of things, I am happy to report that the recent promotion was a phenomenal success.

On December 12th, I announced to a list of 2183 subscribers that they could register for free access to the new Quick-Start workshop videos, which would be available until the end of December.  About 120 folks registered over the following week, during which I sent out 3 mailings, including the initial announcement.

An average of 69.1% of those who visited the opt-in page confirmed their gift registration.

Those who registered received access to the workshop videos, and also received a series of emails.  The first 7 emails were simply pointing out various things in the workshop videos encouraging them to watch the videos to get full value from them.  The last 5 emails talked about the idea of Harmonic AugMENTATION, a key feature of the new Divine Dynamics course available to members only.  Obviously, this was to motivate folks who felt they could benefit from my materials to join with one of the membership plans.

Of the 120 who opted in to the free gift offer, 9 ended up joining.  2 joined as lifetime members, 6 joined as annual members, and only 1 joined as a monthly member.  I also had others join who were not part of the actual promotion, and are not included in the numbers below.

In total, this event brought in over $1,100 in revenue, which leads to the following numbers.

  • $0.51 per original list subscriber
  • $5.03 per raw click (some folks clicked to the gift signup page more than once)
  • $6.41 per unique click
  • $9.35 per gift opt-in
  • 7.5% "conversion rate" of gift registrants to members
  • 4% conversion rate from original list raw clicks

Few of the recognized marketing "gurus" get numbers this good, even when running promotions to their in-house lists.  For this reason, I used much of the material from the new email series on the site homepage to describe the benefits of membership.

Of course, the "real test" will be when I run a promotion to the general public and not just to my own in-house list.  However, I'm confident that the results will be more than satisfactory.  Even if I end up paying $2/click for advertising, I should be able to double my ad spend.

Any members who have a mailing list of their own and would like to do a similar promotion can join the partner program and get 50% of everything that comes from running the promotion to your list.  You can get more details on this at

At this time, I need to create new marketing materials for partners, so if you want pre-made materials, you may want to wait a bit before jumping on this.  However, if you're comfortable creating your own, it can be an excellent opportunity, especially with my plans to run a 20-year anniversary special starting on January 10th.

For the upcoming event, monthly memberships will be offered at $20/month, annual memberships will be $120/year, and lifetime memberships $320.  Not as low as with the recent promotion, but still excellent values for money spent.

Posted : January 2, 2023 1:01 pm