Harmonic Prayer

How to manifest miracles without fasting, meditating for days on end, or embarrassing yourself in front of the whole world, even if you’ve failed and failed with other methods of manifesting.

The same power that created the Universe
is ready, willing, and able to help you
create the life of your dreams.


Sometimes, it’s the most basic answer that proves to be the most effective solution to your problem.

For example, despite the many fad diets constantly promoted by celebrity authors and sports trainers, the most effective ones tend to focus on the 2 things you’ve heard more often than anything else — consuming fewer calories and getting more exercise.

In relationships, what tends to work best is to simply express genuine, sincere interest in the other person.  This works far better than memorizing lines or scripts based on arcane psychological principles.

In sales and marketing, the core offer (product, price, guarantee) counts for far more than snazzy designs or ninja copywriting skills.

So it’s no surprise to learn that when it comes to manifesting your desires with the help of a higher power, the most effective solution is also one of the most basic.  Prayer.

Not just your average, “say a few words and hope it gets answered” kind of prayer. A kind of prayer I now call “Harmonic Prayer”.

Once you learn the key elements that make Harmonic Prayer work, you won’t waste your time with fancy LOA (Law of Attraction) methodologies or spend years learning quantum physics.

Why Ordinary Prayers Don’t Work & How to Fix Them

Harmonic Prayer is vastly different from what most people think of as prayer.

In fact, the way most people pray virtually GUARANTEES failure!

When most people pray, they go into it with strong feelings of fear, helplessness, and a low expectation of success.  Exactly the opposite of what is required to make prayer work.

Most folks also approach prayer as if they are simply talking to another person, and do not give any thought to their mental state during the process.  Effective prayer requires a strong connection with the Divine Essence of the Universe (what most folks refer to as God), and without this, your prayer would go nowhere.

And if this wasn’t enough, most people do not focus their minds enough during prayer for the thoughts to be clearly communicated to the Divine Essence of the Universe, further interfering with the process.

Harmonic Prayer is based on 3 key factors—faith, focus, and a feeling of harmony with God.

Faith that God exists and answers prayers. Faith that God can solve the problem you face. Faith that you deserve God’s help. Faith that your prayers will be heard. A faith that leaves no room for doubt. I’ll show you some amazingly simple techniques that will INSTANTLY increase your faith, and other techniques that will build your faith over time. You’ll be surprised at how easy this can be.

Focus to keep your mind clear as you pray. If you pray with a confused mind, your prayer will also be confused, and it will go nowhere. Luckily, there are simple techniques to focus your mind quickly. In fact, I have some recordings that will focus your mind for you. No work involved at all!

And finally, Harmonic Prayer involves a feeling that puts you in harmonic resonance with God. It is this Divine Harmony which carries your prayer to God, and makes it possible to get a response. Here again, I’ll show you how to INSTANTLY bring yourself into harmony with God, and you’ll be surprised at how easy (and enjoyable) it is. I will also give you some suggestions that will help you live every day of your life in Divine Harmony.

If any of these factors are missing, prayer won’t work.  In order to pray effectively, all 3 of these factors must be strong.

Think of it as 3 valves on a water pipe.  All 3 must be open before water will flow through the pipe.

True Miracles Produced with Harmonic Prayer

Christ promised that if you had enough faith—and did not doubt—you could ask for ANYTHING and it would be done for you.

“I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him.” — Mark 11:23

In my own life, I’ve seen so many miracles happen as a result of prayer, it’s uncanny!

There were times I prayed for money, and literally found what I needed on the ground in front of me.  I prayed for a wife, specifying many details about the relationship I wanted, and within a very short period of time, met Linda, who has already fulfilled many of the details I requested.

And I’ve prayed for general help and protection, and the “happy surprises” which fill my life are quite fun.  You could say I have my own Guardian Angel looking out for me, making sure that I’m never hurt, and that everything I do leads to a positive result.

Of course, a lot of this could be attibuted to “coincidence”.  However, when these types of things happen over and over again, coincidence stops being a rational explanation, and an intelligent person has to accept the fact that there’s something important going on here.

Coincidence also cannot explain true miracles, such as the time I recharged a battery with a single word.  Or when I stopped a tornado in its tracks.  Or the hundreds of times I changed weather conditions, all within a matter of minutes.

I could go on for HOURS telling you about the many miracles I’ve experienced, but I don’t like to brag, nor do I want to waste your time. You’ll see your own miracles soon enough, and then you’ll KNOW the power of the Harmonic Prayer process.

When you KNOW that your prayers will be answered, and you KNOW that you can get anything you want from prayer, including answers to any question, all of your problems go away. No longer will you disappoint those who care about you. Rather than being a burden to others, you are the one holding them up. You’ll never feel inadequate again.

Not only will you live up to your own potential, but you can also help others live up to theirs.  That’s because when you have mastered the art of prayer, you become a pillar of your community. Everyone looks up to you, because they know that you can solve any problem, and do so easily.

Nothing more enjoyable

There is literally nothing more enjoyable than Harmonic Prayer.  Not even drugs or sex can compare to the feeling you get when you are resonating in perfect harmony with the Divine Essence of the Universe.

The core process itself is very simple.  Just 5 easy steps.  And you can do all 5 steps in a matter of moments, without anyone around you knowing what you’re doing.

When I pray, step 1 of the Harmonic Prayer process gives me an incredible rush of joy and satisfaction that makes every part of my body tingle, inside and out.  And this is just step 1!

By the time I’m done praying, I KNOW—beyond any shadow of a doubt—that my prayer will produce the result I want.

Of course, when you’re just starting out, you may need some help with the process.  That’s why you’ll also get a set of tools to help you INSTANTLY increase your prayer power.  (And yes, I really do mean INSTANTLY!)

Some of these tools are based on NLP principles governing how the human mind works.  Whenever you use these tools, you naturally and automatically shift into the perfect mental state for effective prayer.

Other tools may be described as guided meditations, which will further amplify each of the 3 keys to effective prayer.  Each meditation takes about 20 minutes, although if you’re in a hurry, you can squeeze them down to just a couple of minutes.  And if you have more time, you can stretch them out as long as you wish.

My favorite meditation is the one I call “Divine Love”.  No matter how frustrated I may feel before I do it, I always come out of it feeling vibrantly energized and happy to be alive.

The Divine Power meditation is also incredible.  No matter how powerless and inadequate you may feel now, by the time you do this meditation a few times, you’ll realize just how insignificant your problems really are.

And then there’s the Divine Wisdom meditation, which builds on the other 2 and gives you a God-like view of the world.   To say that this meditation is life-changing is the understatement of all time.  You really have to experience it to understand what I mean.

You’ll also get additional tools that will help you further develop your prayer power, to the point where true miracles become possible!  In fact, one such tool will help you develop your prayer power on autopilot.

$29 course answers all your questions

Written in a direct, easy to follow style, Harmonic Prayer shows you EXACTLY what you can do to instantly increase your prayer power.

Here are some of the things you’ll find in this amazing course:

  • The 5-Step Harmonic Prayer Process
  • Why God answers prayers
  • How to get direct answers from God
  • How to instantly increase your faith
  • How to eliminate doubt
  • How to grow faith on autopilot
  • Phrasing your prayers for even more power
  • Using NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) for greater prayer power
  • Why it’s important to have fun, especially before praying
  • 8 different meditations to add Power to your prayers
  • An ancient Jewish system that evokes the Power of God within you
  • Why it’s not necessary to engage in austerities such as fasting, or taking vows of celibacy, silence, or poverty
  • What a monk from the 1600s can teach you about prayer
  • What to avoid in prayer
  • Why bargaining with God isn’t necessary
  • How to pray so you get the best possible results every time

Everyone will find something useful in this course, whether you are a beginner with prayer, or have spent years working on your spiritual development.

This course is organized to help you get results as quickly as possible—even BEFORE you finish it.

Religious Affiliation NOT Required

You do not have to be a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, or follow any other organized religion to benefit from Harmonic Prayer.

On the other hand, Harmonic Prayer fits in very well with the teachings of these and many other religions.

One of the reasons why many of the world’s religions teach prayer is because it works.  Some religions focus on one aspect of Harmonic Prayer, whereas other religions focus on other aspects.  Sadly, none of them teach the full system as I have described in my book.

In Harmonic Prayer, I pull several quotes from the Christian Bible that support the points I make.  This is simply because I wanted to show that there is support for the ideas in the teachings of traditional religions, and should not be taken to be a suggestion to conform to this (or any other) religious practices.

I am confident that Science will eventually discover the principles behind prayer, and when that day comes, Harmonic Prayer may be described in purely scientific terms.

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